国际组织联合声明强调海员就医须及时/Joint Statement by IMO and ILO highlights need for prompt access for medical assistance for vital key worker seafarers


Receiving medical care can be a matter of life or death for seafarers who fall ill while working on ships. (Image: IMO)

国际海事组织 (IMO) 秘书长和国际劳工组织 (ILO) 总干事发表联合声明,呼吁港口国和沿海国家为海员及时下船就医提供便利,指涉及的问题生死攸关;同时优先为海员接种新冠疫苗;并指定海员为关键工人地位,承认海员对世界贸易的宝贵贡献。

The Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO) have issued a joint statement calling for port and coastal States to facilitate the prompt disembarkation of seafarers for medical care as a matter of “life or death”; to prioritize seafarers for COVID-19 vaccination; and to designate seafarers as key workers, recognizing seafarers’ valuable contribution to world trade.


在联合声明(第 4204/Add.42 号通函)中,IMO 秘书长KitackLim和ILO总干事Guy Rider表示,海员正面对获得医疗援助的重重困难,并强调「确保海员能够获得医疗服务是道德义务,当有需要时他们应可立即上岸护理,由合格的医生和牙医上船提供医疗援助,而在接受任何治疗之前进行的医学评估也很重要,其中可能包括由国际医疗机构提供的远程医疗评估。」

In the joint statement (Circular LetterNo.4204/Add.42), IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim and ILO Director-General Guy Rider say seafarers are facing difficulties in accessing medical care and highlight the “moral obligation to ensure seafarers can access medical care ashore without delay, whenever they need it, and to extend medical assistanceon board should the need arise by allowing qualified doctors and dentists to visit ships. It is also important that a medical assessment be conducted prior to administering any treatment, which could include tele-medicine assessment provided by international health providers.”



“Receiving such care can be a matter of life or death for seafarers who fall ill while working on ships. The international community should do its utmost to support those who have maintained the global supply chain under pandemic conditions over the last 18 months and keep carrying on often despite enormous personal hardships,” say the Director-General of ILO and the Secretary-General of IMO.



The joint statementnotes that “almost 14 months after issuing the ‘Recommendations for portand coastal States on the prompt disembarkation of seafarers for medical careashore during the COVID-19 pandemic’ (Circular Letter No.4204/Add.23),seafarers are still struggling to access such care when needed. Advocacy from Member States, the maritime industry, social partners and seafarers themselves has once again brought the plight of seafarers to the fore.”


正如ILO的2006年海事劳工公约 (MLC 2006) 所载,成员国有责任确保在其领土内船上的海员及时获医疗护理(包括牙科护理),可使用岸上医疗设施(详见于2021年4月由特别三方委员会通过的MLC 2006在疫情期间的实施和实际应用决议); 向遇险海员提供援助(包括医疗援助)的法律义务也是国际海事组织公约的组成部分,即国际海上人命安全公约(SOLAS)、国际海上搜救公约(SAR)和便利国际海上交通公约(FAL)。

As enshrined in ILO’s 2006 Maritime LabourConvention (MLC 2006), it is incumbent upon Member States to ensure seafarers onboard ships in their territory are given access to medical facilities ashore,should they require immediate medical care, including dental care (See theResolution concerning the implementation and practical application of the MLC,2006 during the COVID-19 pandemic, adopted by the Special Tripartite Committeeof the MLC, 2006 in April 2021.) The legal obligation to render assistance to seafarers in distress, including medical assistance, is also an intrinsiccomponent of IMO conventions, namely the International Convention for  the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS); the International Convention on Maritme Search and Rescue (SAR); and the Conventionon the Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL).



The joint statement once again urges Governmentsto recognize the strategic importance of the maritime sector and, in line with UN General Assembly resolution A/75/17 adopted on 1 December 2020, to designate seafarers as key workers and to treat them as such by providing access to medical care.  Circular LetterNo.4204/Add.35/Rev.7 contains the current list of IMO Member States having notified IMO that they have designated seafarers (and other marine personnel,as appropriate) as key workers.


各国政府亦应根据2021年7月16日更新的世卫组织 SAGE 在供应有限的情况下优先使用新冠疫苗路线图,在其国内新冠疫苗接种计划中优先考虑海员,并根据世卫组织批准的紧急使用疫苗清单 (EUL),以确保接种的疫苗得到国际认可,有关清单可参考https://extranet.who.int/pqweb/vaccines/covid-19-vaccines。

Governments are urged to prioritize seafarers in their national COVID-19 vaccination programmes, in accordance with the WHO SAGE Roadmap for Prioritizing uses of COVID-19 Vaccines in the Context of Limited Supplies, as updated on 16 July 2021, and to offer WHO-approved Emergency Use Listing (EUL) vaccines to ensure their vaccination status is recognized internationally. The list of WHO-approved EUL vaccines is accessible at https://extranet.who.int/pqweb/vaccines/covid-19-vaccines



The ILO and IMO heads also encourage Governments to recognize the role other marine personnel play infacilitating global trade and, wherever possible, to also vaccinate them on a priority basis.



Information received by IMO and ILO indicates that24 countries have thus far answered the clarion call by implementing seafarervaccination programmes, or signaling their intent to do so, in designated portswithin their jurisdictions. A list of these countries and their constituentports is accessible at https://icma.as/vaccines/



The joint statement says: “We are extremely grateful to these countries but urge more to step forward to accelerate, in particular, the vaccination of seafarers serving international shipping.Government agencies, industry, labour and seafarer welfare groups continue towork assiduously to facilitate and/or deliver vaccines for seafarers. However,much remains to be done. We shall continue to work with our sister UN agencies,Governments and industry bodies to address the ongoing needs of seafarers andto safeguard their basic rights, so that they may continue to facilitate the global economy.”



国际组织强调海员就医须及时/prompt medical assistant for seafarers highlighted