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最新消息 News
ITF: 2024年是海员遗弃事件历来最严重的一年 /2024 worst year on record for seafarer abandonment, says ITF
HKISSC“溫馨聖誕•暖心海員”聖誕節船員慰問行動圆满收官/ HKISSC’s “Heartwarming Christmas for Seafarers” Ship Visit Campaign Concluded Successfully
ITF与属会参与联合国会议 要求公平对待海员/ITF joins affiliate unions in Geneva to demand fair treatment of seafarers
真正的「公平过渡」为海员带来改变的希望/ A true ‘just transition’ offers hope of change for seafarers
2024 Mid-Autumn Festival Crew Visit Campaign concluded successfully / “2024中秋佳节船员慰問行動”圆满收官
红海之怒/Rage in the Red Sea
热死警告/Heat death warning
Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre Launched “2024 Day of Seafarer & China National Maritime Day ” Crew Visit Campaign/香港國際海員服務中心開展“2024世界海員日&中國航海日” 船員慰問行動綜述
爭取權利:棄船個案破紀錄之年ITF檢查員成海員最強後盾/Fighting for rights: ITF inspectors stand strong for seafarers in record-breaking year of shame
A Successful Conclusion for the Easter Crew Visit Campaign/香港國際海員服務中心復活節登輪慰問海員行動圓滿結束
剥削海员权利船公司列「黑名单」/New index names companies that abuse seafarers’ rights
2023 年海員遺棄數字令人擔憂/ Seafarer abandonment figures for 2023 a cause for concern
“點亮聖誕•關愛海員”聖誕節船員探訪慰問行動圆满收官/ A Successful Conclusion of the “Light Up Christmas, Care for Seafarers” Campaign
歡迎參加中心舉辦的“寫揮春迎新歲”活動/Welcome to 【Fai Chun Writing For the Chinese New Year 2024】
好消息:香港國際海員服務中心活動室已正式開放!(GOOD NEWS: The Activity Room of Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre is now open!)
香港國際海員服務中心「月滿中秋•心繫海員」船員探訪慰問活動顺利收官 /HKISSC’s “Mid-Autumn Festival Crew Visit Campaign” concluded successfully
国际海事组织 (IMO) 公布2024年世界海事核心主题: 新技术、新能源时代的海事安全(Maritime safety in an era of new technologies and alternative fuels central to IMO World Maritime Theme for 2024.)
世界海员日&中国航海日向海员致敬之船員探访慰問系列活動 / Crew Visits Series During Day of the Seafarer & Maritime Day of China
2023強積金資訊講座在中心順利舉行/ The 2023 MPF Information Seminar was successfully held at ISSC
Happy Easter-船員慰問活動圓滿落下帷幕
香港国际海员服务中心探访“Cherry Point”散装船海员
香港国际海员服务中心探访“MV. San Felix”海员
Learning the lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Happy Easter-海員慰問活動
海上聖誕節-船員慰問活動綜述/An Overview of “Christmas Celebration at the Sea” Campaign
海上圣诞节-船员慰问活动拉开帷幕/“Christmas Celebration at the Sea Campaign” kick off
“月满中秋照海员”慰问活动综述/ Summary of Mooncake for International Seafarer Campaign
月满中秋照海员-中秋佳节慰问海员活动启动/Launching Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Campaign for Seafarers
中心组织蒲台、南丫岛海上一日游/Day Trip on Po Toi Island and Lamma Island
中国籍大副荣获IMO海上特别英勇奖章/Chinese chief officer selected for IMO Bravery Award
探访“Ever Cast”与“OOCL Singapore”商船船员/ Visit to crew members on M.V. Ever Cast and M.V. OOCL Singapore
探访“OOCL Poland”船员/ Visit to the crew of “OOCL Poland”
“青年海员经验分享会”顺利举行 /”Youth Seafarer Experience Sharing Session”
P&O Ferries sackings disregard for workers’ rights P&O Ferries大规模解雇 无视工人权利
多个联合国机构再次呼吁各方合作支援海员 / UN agencies renew call to collaboratively support seafarers
中心開放時間變動 Change of Centre Opening Hour
海员权利继续受损,迫在眉睫的人道主义危机敲响警钟/Warning of looming humanitarian crisis as seafarers’ rights continue to deteriorate
社会状况调查:让海员诉心声–了解海事工人船上生活的真实情况/Nautilus Social Conditions Survey: In their own words – maritime workers on what life onboard is really like Nautilus
15% decrease in total number of piracy and sea robbery incidents in Asia for 2021 /2021年亚洲海盗和海上抢劫事件总数减少15%
探訪“億春WAN HAI 306”商船船員 /Visiting MV WAN HAI 306
倾力帮助获救的M.V.LIDIA商船缅甸海员/ Helping Myanmar Seafarers Rescued from M.V. LIDIA
向香港海事、码头等劳工团体赠送防疫口罩/Donation of Anti-epidemic Masks to Hong Kong Maritime and Docker Unions
探访“MARCLIFF”商船海员/ Visiting MV MARCLIFF
舟山当局紧急营救 货船「弘进轮」确疹船员送院-Crew members on vessel of Grand Progress rescued by Chinese Zhoushan Authority
情牵河南,香江海事劳工团体纷献爱心 Hong Kong Maritime Unions Donate to Henan Flood Relief
2021年碼頭從業員研討會暨工作坊在中心舉行-Workshop for Dockers held in HKISSC
2021.6.25世界海员日: 为海员创造公平的未来
2021年世界海員日 為公平未來籌謀-IMO envisages what a ‘fair future for seafarers’ will look like
中心義工團隊探訪”SCO SHANGHAI”商船
中心探访Grand Asano船员
海員應優先接種疫苗 Seafarers need priority COVID-19 vaccination
再次為TS Yokohama船員代購日常用品 Purchasing daily necessities for TS Yokohama crew
海事訓練學院導師到訪”M.V. BELAWAN” Instructor of The Maritime Services Training Institute visited “M.V. BELAWAN”
疫情之下香港海員換班 Crew change under epidemic in Hong Kong
海事信息 Maritime Information
ITF: 2024年是海员遗弃事件历来最严重的一年 /2024 worst year on record for seafarer abandonment, says ITF
ITF与属会参与联合国会议 要求公平对待海员/ITF joins affiliate unions in Geneva to demand fair treatment of seafarers
真正的「公平过渡」为海员带来改变的希望/ A true ‘just transition’ offers hope of change for seafarers
红海之怒/Rage in the Red Sea
热死警告/Heat death warning
爭取權利:棄船個案破紀錄之年ITF檢查員成海員最強後盾/Fighting for rights: ITF inspectors stand strong for seafarers in record-breaking year of shame
剥削海员权利船公司列「黑名单」/New index names companies that abuse seafarers’ rights
2023 年海員遺棄數字令人擔憂/ Seafarer abandonment figures for 2023 a cause for concern
培训海员以实现零碳未来/Training seafarers for a decarbonized future
ITF 码头工人和海员代表会议定优先项目/ITF dockers’ and seafarers’ unions met to forge priorities
技术变革由工人主导 让航运未来更环保、更安全、更高效/Shipping can be Greener, Safer and More Efficient if technological change is worker-led
无惧疫情限制 ITF检查员为海员追讨欠薪达 3760 万美元/ ITF inspectors recover USD$37.6m in unpaid wages for seafarers, despite Covid restrictions
亚洲船东:三副和四初级轮机师人数显著减少/ Asian Shipowners: Number of third mates and fourth engineer officers decreasing significantly
Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre Launched “2024 Day of Seafarer & China National Maritime Day ” Crew Visit Campaign/香港國際海員服務中心開展“2024世界海員日&中國航海日” 船員慰問行動綜述
海员幸福指数在2022年第一季度跌至谷底 /Seafarers Happiness Index hits rock bottom in Q1 2022
防疫封关重现,挫去年第四季海员幸福指数/ ‘Yo-Yo’ effect in Covid-19 restrictions causing havoc for seafarers, says Q4 2021 Seafarers Happiness Index
An Implementation Guide for the Management of COVID-19 on board Cargo Ships 货船上疫情管理实务指南
世界卫生组织及国际劳工组织成立行动组 与全球运输组织合谋抗疫解困/WHO and ILO form Action Group with global transport bodies to protect workers’ rights and ease supply chain congestion
Omicron来势汹汹, 海运业、工会推新检疫隔离计划迎战/ Shipping industry, unions launch fresh quarantine programme to combat Omicron crew crunch
海员呼吁设定高段气候目标,实现未来航运业可持续发展/Seafarers call for shipping to set ambitious climate targets now if its future is to be sustainable
全球运输工会正告多国政府:反对豁免疫苗专利限制恐延长供应链困难局面/opposing vaccine waiver prolong supply chain misery, global transport unions tell governments
变革时刻:运输工人精神健康是集体责任/Time for change: mental health is a collective responsibility
全球运输业界领导人敦促联合国终结供应链工人面临的人道危机/Global Transport Chiefs urge UN to end humanitarian crisis for supply chain workers
国际组织强调海员就医须及时/prompt medical assistant for seafarers highlighted
ITF:认可疫情期间海员的贡献,避免未来人才供应短缺风险/ITF:Recognise seafarer’s contribution during covid or risk labour supply shortages
香港海事處公佈最新版遠洋船舶船員協議樣本/HK Marine Department released the latest version of employment agreement for sea-going ship
秘密遣返:二戰後被背叛的中國海員/The secret deportations: how Britain betrayed the Chinese men who served the country in the war
中國央視節目關注海員疫境四難-Chinese CCTV concerns four difficulties of seafarers during pandemic
坐困愁船-Trapped onboard
海员幸福指数疫情期间急跌至新低 Seafarers Happiness Reports Steep Fall During Pandemic
世界海事主題2021 World Maritime Theme 2021
[轉載] 試論長賜輪EVER GIVEN擱淺事故可能引發的各類索賠
長榮貨輪「長賜號」在埃及蘇彝士運河擱淺 Container vessel “Ever Given” grounded in the Suez Canal
國際婦女節 2021 International Women’s Day 2021
自動船發展專題報告 Report on Autonomous Ship
中國社會保險(社保)報告 Social Insurance in China
墨西哥政策 ITF Mexico City Policy
國際運輸工人聯盟 (ITF)
海員之聲 Voice of Seafarers
見習生的心路歷程:考試至上船的日子 Cadet’s Life: Be a Deck Officer
‘疫症無情、人間有情’ 一名航海見習生的自白
疫情下香港船員的心聲 (2) The Voice under the Virus (2)
疫情下香港船員的心聲 The Voice under the Virus
甲板練習生生活 Deck Practice Life
生活污水處理常識 Sense of domestic sewage treatment
聯繫我們 Contact
中心郵箱(表格)Mail Box
聯絡方式 Contact
業界分享 Marine Sharing
HKISSC“溫馨聖誕•暖心海員”聖誕節船員慰問行動圆满收官/ HKISSC’s “Heartwarming Christmas for Seafarers” Ship Visit Campaign Concluded Successfully
ITF与属会参与联合国会议 要求公平对待海员/ITF joins affiliate unions in Geneva to demand fair treatment of seafarers
2024 Mid-Autumn Festival Crew Visit Campaign concluded successfully / “2024中秋佳节船员慰問行動”圆满收官
真正的「公平过渡」为海员带来改变的希望/ A true ‘just transition’ offers hope of change for seafarers
红海之怒/Rage in the Red Sea
热死警告/Heat death warning
January 30, 2021
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