2023 年海員遺棄數字令人擔憂
Seafarer abandonment figures for 2023 a cause for concern

國際運輸工人聯盟 (ITF)發佈了 2023 年船舶遭遺棄資料,該資料較上一年出現了令人擔憂的增長。
The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) has released its figures for the number of vessels abandoned in 2023 – which show a worrying increase in figures from the previous year.

2023年共錄得 132宗遺棄案件,比 2022 年增加13宗,增幅為 10.92%,其中絕大多數個案 (129宗)由 ITF報告。
A total of 132 abandonments were reported which is 13 more than in 2022 – an increase of 10.92%. The overwhelming majority of those reports (129) were made by the ITF.

根據《2006 年海事勞工公約》(“MLC”),如果船東未能支付海員遣返費用,海員即被視為遭遺棄;或船東讓他們得不到日常必要保護和支援;或以任何方式單方面斷絕與海員的關係,包括在至少兩個月內未有支付海員的合約薪酬。
Under the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (‘MLC’), you are deemed to have been abandoned if the shipowner fails to cover the cost of a seafarer’s repatriation; or has left them without the necessary maintenance and support; or has otherwise unilaterally severed ties with them, including their failure to pay the seafarers’ contractual wages for a period of at least two months.

Key findings showed:
• ITF錄得的129宗個案,海員遭拖欠的工資總金額超過 1,210 萬美元。Owed wages from the 129 ITF reported cases in excess of $12.1 million.
• 在遭遺棄船舶上的1,676 名海員聯繫 ITF。
1,676 seafarers contacted ITF from abandoned vessels.
• 遭遺棄的海員中以印度籍占最多,有超過 400宗。
Indian seafarers were the most abandoned, with more than 400 cases.

至今,ITF 已成功追回其中60 艘船舶拖欠的超過1,090 萬美元工資,而相信最終金額將超過1,210 萬美元,因為部分案件需時解決,並且預計有更多海員願意挺身而出,增加可追回的工資金額。
ITF have received more than $10.9 million in owed wages from 60 of these vessels so far. The final figure will exceed $12.1 million as cases take time to resolve and as other seafarers come forward, thereby increasing the amount of recoverable wages.

協調ITF 檢查員的Steve Trowsdale 表示:「海員被遺棄的數字持續上升是不可接受的。這是海員在業內被『用完即棄』的惡果。船東貪婪和違法的行為,卻要海員及其家人付上代價,損害其福祉、尊嚴和基本人權,承受此制度帶來的不人道後果。對於那些試圖以某種方式對待海員、將海員當作『現代奴隸』的船東,ITF 檢查員竭力追究,而且表現出類拔萃。」
Steve Trowsdale, ITF Inspectorate Coordinator said “The ongoing rise in the number of seafarer abandonments is unacceptable. It is a consequence of an industry where the seafarer can be a throw-away commodity. Seafarers and their families pay the ultimate price for the greed and non-compliance of ship owners, enduring the inhuman consequences of a system that compromises their well-being, dignity and basic human rights. ITF inspectors do an incredible job in holding to account those shipowners that try to get away with treating seafarers like some sort of modern-day slaves”.

The highest numbers of abandonments by flag state were:




資料來源(source from): https://www.itfseafarers.org/en/news/seafarer-abandonment-figures-2023-cause-concern

2023 年海員遺棄數字令人擔憂/ Seafarer abandonment figures for 2023 a cause for concern