香港国际海员服务中心探访“MV. San Felix”海员
Visit the crew of “MV. San Felix”
2023年2月17日,香港国际海员服务中心工作团队冒雨前往9号码头,探访慰问了“MV. San Felix”商船海员。
The working team of Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre headed to Container Terminal 9 in the rain to visit the crew of “MV. San Felix” on 17th February 2023.
“MV. San Felix”系马士基公司旗下的集装箱商船,悬挂马绍尔群岛旗,主要往来于拉美的墨西哥、亚洲的日本、韩国及中国的青岛、香港等地区。船上共有船员22名,主要来自乌克兰、俄罗斯及菲律宾等地。
Flying the flag of the Marshall Islands, the container ship “MV. San Felix” is owned by Maersk. It mainly travels between Mexico in Latin America, Japan, South Korea in Asia, Qingdao and Hong Kong in China. Onboard there are 22 crew members, who mainly come from Ukraine, Russia and the Philippines.
中心工作团队於船舷边向船员赠送慰问品,并转交了代买的物品。“MV. San Felix”船员代表对我中心的探访表示感谢,并希望与中心今后保持联系。
The working team presented condolences to the representatives of the crew on shore beside the vessel. Representatives of the crew expressed their gratitude for the visit and hope to keep in touch with the center in the future.