香港国际海员服务中心探访“Cherry Point”散装船海员
Visit the crew of bulk carrier “Cherry Point”

2023年3月7日,香港国际海员服务中心工作团队协同Pacific Basin公司的职员一行13人前往屯门码头,探访慰问了“Cherry Point”散装船海员。
The working team of Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre, together with the staff of Pacific Basin, headed to Tuen Mun Ferry Pier to visit the seafarers of the bulk carrier “Cherry Point” on 7th March 2023.

“Cherry Point”系Pacific Basin公司旗下的散装船,悬挂中国香港旗,无固定租家与航线。船上共有船员20名,主要来自中国及菲律宾等地。

Sailing under the flag of Hong Kong, China, “Cherry Point” is owned by Pacific Basin. The bulk carrier has no fixed charterer and routes. Onboard there are 20 crew members, mainly from China and the Philippines.

中心工作团队登上“Cherry Point”散装船,送上中心的慰问品及香港的特产-卤鹅、烧腊等。

The working team boarded “Cherry Point” with condolence gifts, including specialties of Hong Kong – marinated goose and roast meat (siu mei).

“Cherry Point”散装船刘船长热情的接待了联合探访团队,对我中心的探访表示衷心感谢,并邀请共进午餐。

Captain Lau of “Cherry Point” expressed gratitude for the visit and warmly received the joint visiting team by inviting them for lunch.


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  36. 香港国际海员服务中心探访“Cherry Point”散装船海员

  37. 香港国际海员服务中心探访“Cherry Point”散装船海员

  38. 香港国际海员服务中心探访“Cherry Point”散装船海员

  39. 香港国际海员服务中心探访“Cherry Point”散装船海员

  40. 香港国际海员服务中心探访“Cherry Point”散装船海员

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  42. 香港国际海员服务中心探访“Cherry Point”散装船海员

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