爭取權利:棄船個案破紀錄之年ITF檢查員成海員最強後盾/Fighting for rights: ITF inspectors stand strong for seafarers in record-breaking year of shame

Fighting for rights: ITF inspectors stand strong for seafarers in
record-breaking year of shame

2023 was the worst year ever seen for seafarer abandonment – and ITF inspectors recovered nearly US$60 million in unpaid wages.
2023年,ITF全球檢查員網路成功為遭拖欠工資的海員追回57,161,779 美元(折約445,861,876港元),金額之高令人震驚。同時,ITF亦錄得有史以來最高的遺棄船舶數字(共129 艘)和遭遺棄的海員(共1,983 名)。
The ITF’s global network of inspectors recovered a shocking US$57,161,779 in unpaid wages for seafarers in 2023, as the ITF also recorded the highest level it has ever seen of abandoned vessels (129) and abandoned seafarers (1,983).
The inspectors completed a total of 9,530 ship inspections and worked on 1,188 cases – instances where an inspector assisted a seafarer without boarding a vessel – during the year, spanning every region of the world.
負責協調ITF 檢查員的Steve Trowsdale 表示:「案件數量和欠薪金額令人擔憂,但我們對世界各地的檢查員每天所做的工作感到非常自豪。他們為海員提供緊急服務,隨時準備盡其所能維護海員權利,並追究船東剝削海員的責任。
ITF Inspectorate Coordinator Steve Trowsdale said: “The number of cases and amount of backpay is worrying, but we couldn’t be prouder of the work undertaken by our inspectors every day, all around the world. They’re an emergency service for seafarers, always ready to do what they can to stand up for seafarers’ rights and hold exploitative shipowners to account.
“But the sad reality is that the increasing amount of work our inspectors are doing demonstrates just how much workers’ rights are under attack on ships right now.”
ITF超過 125 名檢查員組成的全球網路分佈在全球 55 個國家的 110 多個港口。檢查員(其中許多人曾是海員或碼頭工人)負責監管沒有集體談判協定的船舶,並在持有集體談判協定的船舶上,確保有執行相關協定,這些協定覆蓋了在方便旗船上工作的超過357,000 名海員。
The ITF has a global network of more than 125 inspectors, based in over 110 ports in 55 countries worldwide. Inspectors, many of whom are former seafarers or dockers, police ships that have no collective bargaining agreement and enforce the agreements on ships that do, with those agreements covering more than 357,000 seafarers working aboard flag of convenience vessels.
Inspectors are trained to look for exploitation, overwork, and signs of forced labour and modern slavery. On many vessels, they have the right to examine wage accounts, employment contracts, and to review recorded hours of work and rest.
特羅斯代爾表示:「追回拖欠工資超過 5710 萬美元的重要性不容低估,特別是當這麼多海員是他們家庭的經濟支柱。」
“The significance of clawing back more than US$57.1 million in owed wages can’t be understated, especially when so many seafarers are the breadwinners for their families back home,” said Trowsdale.
「我們的檢查員每天都在發出這樣的資訊:ITF 及其附屬工會絕不會放過任何侵犯海員權利的行為,讓它們瞞天過海。」
“Our inspectors are out there every day sending the message that the ITF and its affiliated unions will never let abuses of seafarers’ rights go unchecked.”
Under the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) definition of abandonment, a seafarer can be classed as ‘abandoned’ when they are unpaid for two months.
Any non-payment of wages should be seen as a potential sign that a shipowner could be about to cut its crew loose.


资料来源: https://www.itfseafarers.org/en/news/fighting-rights-itf-inspectors-stand-strong-seafarers-record-breaking-year-shame