中心组织蒲台、南丫岛海上一日游/Day Trip on Po Toi Island and Lamma Island

On 20th August 2022, Hong Kong International Seafarers Services Centre organized a day trip on Po Toi Island and Lamma Island with the support of Merchant Navy Officers’ Guild – Hong Kong and Amalgamated Union of Seafarers, Hong Kong. Nearly 90 seafarers and their families enjoy a happy gathering to celebrate the 12th International Day of the Seafarer and 18th China National Maritime Day.

图片1: 中心董事锺东堂代表香港国际海员服务中心致词
Photo 1: Capt. Chung Tung Tong was giving a welcoming speech on behalf of the Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre.

图片2: 老友相逢,畅叙因疫情相隔的怀念之情
Photo 2: Having not seen each other for a while under the epidemic, it was a great time for old friends to reunion.



Photo 3: Participants were playing “Bingo” on the ferry.


图片4: 碧空如洗,海员与家属登上蒲台岛游览
Photo 4: Seafarers and their families were visiting Po Toi Island under the clear blue sky.


图片5: 中午暴雨倾盆, 南丫岛天虹海鲜酒家欢乐餐聚
Photo 5: Participants were enjoying lunch at a restaurant on Lamma Island, while heavy rain was pouring outside.


Photo 6: Lucky draw


Photo 7: MSTI student volunteers


图片8: 南丫岛索罟湾码头集体合影留念
Photo 8: Group photo taken at Sok Kwu Wan Public Pier, Lamma Island.

中心组织蒲台、南丫岛海上一日游/Day Trip on Po Toi Island and Lamma Island