红海之怒/Rage in the Red Sea

While shipping companies profit from the Red Sea crisis, seafarers are paying the price.

When the Houthis of Yemen announced that they would target Israeli-linked international shipping in the Red Sea in November last year, few would have believed that the turmoil of their attacks would be continuing eight months on.

The Houthis have always been adamant that their attacks – which have targeted the ships of many nations – will continue until Israel’s invasion of the Gaza Strip ends. That is why the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) demands a solution which tackles the root cause of this problem head-on.

「所有关心海员生命 – 或关心保障工人安全的全球供应链 – 的人都必须呼吁加萨永久停火,和平是结束红海船只袭击的最佳方式。」ITF秘书长 Stephen Cotton今年二月表示。
“All those who care about the lives of seafarers – or a global supply chain that keeps its workers safe – must call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Peace is the best way to end the attacks on ships in the Red Sea,” ITF general secretary Stephen Cotton said in February this year.

Outside of reaching peace in Israel and Palestine, there remains a simple and immediate solution to protect seafarers from a conflict not of their making: stop transiting the Red Sea. But while major companies may have stopped transiting the Red Sea, far too many ships still do – which means seafarers’ lives are being put at risk.

至今,胡塞武装已对船只发动七十多次攻击,其中两艘船只被击沉,一艘被扣押。伤亡包括三月在True Confidence 号上遇难的三名海员、六月在Tutor号上遇难的一名海员、十一月Galaxy Leader号上十七名船员在也门被扣押已至少八个月,还有四月時廿五名MSC Aries号船员于霍尔木兹海峡成为人质被扣押。
To date, there have been more than 70 attacks on ships by the Houthis since November, with two vessels sunk and one seized. The human cost includes three seafarers killed aboard the True Confidence in March, one killed on the Tutor in June, 17 crew from the Galaxy Leader seized in November and still being held hostage in Yemen eight months on, and 25 crew taken hostage when the MSC Aries was seized in the Straits of Hormuz in April.

But what is left largely unrecognised is the daily trauma faced by the many seafarers – and their families back home – who still embark on perilous journeys through the Red Sea, fearful that they will not return home to their loved ones unharmed.

Since the start of this crisis, the ITF has worked tirelessly to protect seafarers. Notably, the ‘Warlike Operations Area’ in the Red Sea was expanded in April as a direct result of our demand made via the International Bargaining Forum, a group that brings together ship owners and unions to negotiate collective bargaining agreements.

这意味着 ITF 协议涵盖的任何海员(全球方便旗船上共有近卅六万名海员)均拥有拒绝在该区域航行的合约权利,同时有权要求遣返,费用由船东承担。现在,包括全球最大海员供应国家如菲律宾和印度等政府,也采取了类似政策。
This means that any seafarer covered by an ITF agreement – a total of nearly 360,000 seafarers worldwide on flag of convenience ships – have the contractual right to refuse to sail in the Area, alongside the right to request repatriation at the ship owner’s expense. And similar policies have now been adopted by governments, including the Philippines, one of the world’s largest suppliers of seafarers, and India.

But while these efforts give many seafarers a means to avoid the Red Sea, many are still confronted by their fundamental need to work – and, more often than not, send money back home to their families.

The ITF position on what needs to be done by governments, shipping companies and flag states is clear: Shipping companies must demonstrate their commitment to their seafarers by diverting their ships.

Flag states, which are responsible for assuring a safe working environment for seafarers on their vessels, must instruct companies to divert their ships.

Governments must strengthen naval forces protecting any merchant ships that do still transit and do much more to co-ordinate their efforts to protect seafarers sailing in or through the Area.

As Lloyd’s List rightly noted on the International Maritime Organization’s Day of the Seafarer this year, “expressions of solidarity and condemnation don’t save lives. Actions do.”

Indeed, if we are to treat seafarers as the ‘key workers’ of the global economy that they truly are, no less than concerted, co-ordinated action to protect them will suffice.

If safe transit through the Red Sea cannot be guaranteed, companies have a duty to act: delivery windows are not worth seafarers’ lives, and civilian seafarers must not be put in the line of fire by transiting the Red Sea.


资料来源: https://www.itfseafarers.org/en/news/rage-red-sea

红海之怒/Rage in the Red Sea