爭取權利:棄船個案破紀錄之年ITF檢查員成海員最強後盾/Fighting for rights: ITF inspectors stand strong for seafarers in record-breaking year of shame

Fighting for rights: ITF inspectors stand strong for seafarers in
record-breaking year of shame

2023 was the worst year ever seen for seafarer abandonment – and ITF inspectors recovered nearly US$60 million in unpaid wages.
2023年,ITF全球檢查員網路成功為遭拖欠工資的海員追回57,161,779 美元(折約445,861,876港元),金額之高令人震驚。同時,ITF亦錄得有史以來最高的遺棄船舶數字(共129 艘)和遭遺棄的海員(共1,983 名)。
The ITF’s global network of inspectors recovered a shocking US$57,161,779 in unpaid wages for seafarers in 2023, as the ITF also recorded the highest level it has ever seen of abandoned vessels (129) and abandoned seafarers (1,983).
The inspectors completed a total of 9,530 ship inspections and worked on 1,188 cases – instances where an inspector assisted a seafarer without boarding a vessel – during the year, spanning every region of the world.
負責協調ITF 檢查員的Steve Trowsdale 表示:「案件數量和欠薪金額令人擔憂,但我們對世界各地的檢查員每天所做的工作感到非常自豪。他們為海員提供緊急服務,隨時準備盡其所能維護海員權利,並追究船東剝削海員的責任。
ITF Inspectorate Coordinator Steve Trowsdale said: “The number of cases and amount of backpay is worrying, but we couldn’t be prouder of the work undertaken by our inspectors every day, all around the world. They’re an emergency service for seafarers, always ready to do what they can to stand up for seafarers’ rights and hold exploitative shipowners to account.
“But the sad reality is that the increasing amount of work our inspectors are doing demonstrates just how much workers’ rights are under attack on ships right now.”
ITF超過 125 名檢查員組成的全球網路分佈在全球 55 個國家的 110 多個港口。檢查員(其中許多人曾是海員或碼頭工人)負責監管沒有集體談判協定的船舶,並在持有集體談判協定的船舶上,確保有執行相關協定,這些協定覆蓋了在方便旗船上工作的超過357,000 名海員。
The ITF has a global network of more than 125 inspectors, based in over 110 ports in 55 countries worldwide. Inspectors, many of whom are former seafarers or dockers, police ships that have no collective bargaining agreement and enforce the agreements on ships that do, with those agreements covering more than 357,000 seafarers working aboard flag of convenience vessels.
Inspectors are trained to look for exploitation, overwork, and signs of forced labour and modern slavery. On many vessels, they have the right to examine wage accounts, employment contracts, and to review recorded hours of work and rest.
特羅斯代爾表示:「追回拖欠工資超過 5710 萬美元的重要性不容低估,特別是當這麼多海員是他們家庭的經濟支柱。」
“The significance of clawing back more than US$57.1 million in owed wages can’t be understated, especially when so many seafarers are the breadwinners for their families back home,” said Trowsdale.
「我們的檢查員每天都在發出這樣的資訊:ITF 及其附屬工會絕不會放過任何侵犯海員權利的行為,讓它們瞞天過海。」
“Our inspectors are out there every day sending the message that the ITF and its affiliated unions will never let abuses of seafarers’ rights go unchecked.”
Under the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) definition of abandonment, a seafarer can be classed as ‘abandoned’ when they are unpaid for two months.
Any non-payment of wages should be seen as a potential sign that a shipowner could be about to cut its crew loose.


资料来源: https://www.itfseafarers.org/en/news/fighting-rights-itf-inspectors-stand-strong-seafarers-record-breaking-year-shame

Happy Easter-海員慰問活動

Happy Easter-海員慰問活動


2023年復活節即將來臨,一向與海員同心同行的香港國際海員服務中心(HKISSC),向堅守崗位的廣大海員致敬,將於3月15日至31日開展「Happy Easter -海員慰問活動」,為抵達香港的國際海員送上問候與福利大禮包。
















Happy Easter Celebration Campaign


To better serve seafarers and care for crew members’ quality of life at sea, Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (HKISSC) is going to launch the “Happy Easter Celebration Campaign” during the period of March 15-31. Easter welfare packs should be given as gifts to seafarers arriving in Hong Kong.


HKISSC was established on 27th October, 2019. It has been acting as a service platform for seafarers by organizing onboard visits and buying necessities for them.


We genuinely hope to collaborate with shipping company in sending the warmest regards and welfare packs to seafarers who will be arriving in Hong Kong this March. We would be very grateful if you could:


  • provide vessel arrival details (i.e. list of vessels which will be arriving during 15th – 31st March), and
  • liaise with the crewing agency in applying for permits required (if any) for our vehicles and staff members entering container terminals.


Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the following members of HKISSC:


Mr. Simon Ngai (mobile: 91291953)

Mr. Frank Sun (mobile: 95578581)


Looking forward to your reply. Thank you in advance for your generous support. 

Wishing all seafarers a blessed and memorable Easter with your family and friends.


Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (HKISSC)


p.s. The visiting team generally will not board the ship but hand over the welfare packs beside the docked vessel.

P&O Ferries sackings disregard for workers’ rights P&O Ferries大规模解雇 无视工人权利

英国渡轮「P&O Ferries」母公司「DP World」自诩为关注社会和企业责任的进取企业,支持劳工权利。惟P&O Ferries近日无理解雇800名海员,母公司备受质疑。

DP World sells itself as a progressive business concerned with social and corporate responsibility that supports labour rights. The company now has serious questions to answer following the ruthless sacking of 800 seafarers at its subsidiary P&O Ferries.


3月17日,P&O Ferries 解雇了800名英国海员,并只在提前30分钟,以预先录制的Zoom短片通知受解雇员工。该公司在没有与员工或其工会进行任何协商的情况下作出这一决定。

On March 17, P&O Ferries fired 800 British-based seafarers with 30 minutes notice over a pre-recorded Zoom call. The company made the decision without any consultation with its workforce or their unions.

国际运输工人联盟(ITF)和欧洲运输工人联盟(ETF)呼吁DP World与工会RMT和Nautilus International就P&O Ferries事件展开有意义的对话。The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) are calling on DP World to engage in meaningful dialogue with affiliates RMT and Nautilus International about P&O Ferries’ future.

ITF主席兼ITF码头工人分部主席Paddy Crumlin指出,DP World 解雇800名辛勤工作的海员是一个无情的决定,犹如残酷地打击他们的尊严;而且做法违法,亦未达其公司标准。

“DP World’s callous decision to sack 800 hard-working seafarers represents a brutal attack on their dignity,” said Paddy Crumlin, President of the ITF and Chair of ITF’s Dockers’ Section. “In doing so, they’re breaching laws and failing to meet their own company’s standards.”

ETF主席Frank Moreels亦指该公司利用没有工会代表的劳动力取代被解雇工人,构成侵犯工人结社自由的基本权利。

Further, ETF President Frank Moreels pointed out that the use of non-union replacement labour amounts to a fundamental breach of workers’ rights to freedom of association.


“Their plan to outsource the jobs is in tatters. Reports are coming in across Europe that their original strategy was to replace the sacked workers with Russian and Ukrainian seafarers,” said Moreels.

透过视像会议被解雇时,P&O Ferries对员工说这是一个「艰难」的决定,但如未能如此推行变革,生意将「不可行」。

In the Zoom sacking, P&O Ferriestold workers this was a “tough” decision, but it would “not be a viable business” without the changes.

但事实上,持有P&O Ferries的DP World在疫情期间,收入和利润均创新高。去年其收入和利润分别超过108亿美元和12亿美元,与对上一年比较,利润增长达 33%。仅在过去两年中,该公司就向股东发放3.761亿美元的股息。

In fact, P&O Ferries’ owner DP World has made record revenue and profits throughout the pandemic, turning over $10.8bn in revenue and $1.2bn in profit last year, a 33% increase in profit compared with the previous year. The company has paid out $376.1 million in dividends to shareholders over the past two years alone.

ITF主席Paddy Crumlin明确表示,为了800名失业工人的利益,他们已准备好并愿意促进公司与工会之间的对话,但一旦需要以行动捍卫这些工人的工作,他们亦已同时准备随时发动集体行动。

ITF President Paddy Crumlin made it clear that: “In the interest of the 800 workers who have lost their jobs, we are ready and willing to facilitate dialogue between the company and the unions, but we also stand ready to provide meaningful solidarity across DP World’s global operations if need be to defend these workers’ jobs.”

「P&O Ferries违反法律,必须受到惩罚。」Nautilus International秘书长Mark Dickinson说。他在声明中提到,英国法律规定任何雇主有义务在解雇100 名或以上员工前90天或更短的时间内,以书面形式通知船旗国他们有关终止该批员工雇佣合同的决定,并在第一批员工解雇生效前至少45 天。如果裁员人数为 20 人或更多(但少于 100 人),通知期则为30天。“P&O Ferries broke the law and must be penalized.”saidMark Dickinson, General secretary ofNautilus International. In the statement, he mentioned that UK lawplaces a duty on any employer proposing to dismiss as redundant 100 or more employees at one establishment within a period of 90 days or less to notify the flag state, in writing, of their proposal before giving notice to terminate an employee’s contract of employment in respect of any of those dismissals, and at least 45 days before the first of those dismissals takes effect. If the redundancies number 20 or more employees (but less than 100), the notice period is 30 days.

在2020 年,P&O Ferries完全依法宣布和完成咨询,裁减整个业务1,100人。但2022年,该公司行政总裁 Hebblethwaite却在致政府的信中坦诚承认,该公司只在裁员当日,即2022年3月17日通知「相关部门」。

In 2020, P&O Ferries fully complied with the law in announcing and consulting on 1,100 redundancies across the business. In 2022, Mr Hebblethwaite, P&O chief executive, has freely admitted in his letter to the Government that notification was made to the “relevant authorities” on 17 March 2022.

Nautilus International希望政府向违法者采取一切可行行动,不要让他们以为可以用钱收买人人噤若寒蝉,胁迫海员失去工作或接受较低的工资,或要胁他们接受有害和不安全的工作条款和细则。

Nautilus International expects the government to take all possible action against these law breakers, who think they can buy silence and bully seafarers into unemployment or accepting lower wages and detrimental and unsafe terms and conditions of employment.




中心開放時間變動 Change of Centre Opening Hour

由於疫情關係,本中心開放時間將有所更改。由 2022 年 3 月 21 日起,本中心

In view of the development of the COVID-19 epidemic situation, Centre new
opening hour will be 11:00 a.m. to 05:00p.m. on Monday to Saturday from 21th
March 2022. The arrangements will be implemented until further notice.
Stay strong, stay healthy, stay connected.


2021年6月15下午,SCO SHANGHAI停靠香港葵涌貨櫃碼頭,香港國際海員服務中心義工團隊應王船長邀請登上貨輪,轉交代購的生活用品,贈送中心紀念品、宣傳單張等,同時向船員們送去海員同行的關心與問候。

SCO SHANGHAI商船注冊地在馬紹爾群島,係屬方便旗,主要往返于香港、台灣地區,船員主要來自中國與越南。


王船長亦對義工團隊的到訪表示熱烈歡迎,他盛情邀請大家登船參觀交流。交流中,王船長表示,當下台灣地區疫情很嚴重,他已經注射完新冠疫苗,但部分船員尚未完成疫苗注射,因此大家特別注意衛生防護。同時,“SCO SHANGHAI”商船7天左右停靠香港一次,台灣主要停靠台北與基隆港,航程緊密,船員們非常疲憊。中心的到訪令他們感到自己沒有被遺忘,很高興見到香港的海員同行,衷心感謝香港國際海員服務中心為船員們代購生活用品並贈送紀念品。


中心探访Grand Asano船员

中心探访Grand Asano 船员

2021年6月15日,应船员请求,香港国际海员服务中心工作人员探访了停泊于半山石錨地的Grand Asano杂货船。


Grand Asano杂货船系本港注册船舶,往返于日本与香港之间的航线,主要运送水泥等物资,船员来自缅甸。




再次為TS Yokohama船員代購日常用品 Purchasing daily necessities for TS Yokohama crew

2021年4月24日,中心義工收到TS Yokohama的邀請及委託,為該船船員購買一些日常用品並且上船參觀。船員表示此船航線非常繁忙,兩星期要停靠十數個碼頭,平均每0.8天就靠離碼頭一次。船長很親切地邀請我們到駕駛台參觀,他說這個航線船員們都非常累,現時不能下地心情更是壓抑,所以非常歡迎我們上船跟他們聊天。


On 24th April 2021, we received a request from TS Yokohama to purchase some daily necessities for the crew and to make a ship visit. Crews said they are very busy for berthing and unberthing and have to call lots of ports within just two weeks, with an average of 0.8 days for a next port. The captain of the ship kindly invited us to visit the bridge. He mentioned that the crews feel tired and depressed as they are not allowed to have shore leave, therefore they are pleased and welcome us to have a ship visit.

If ship’s crews are interested, please feel free to contact us after the arrival of Hong Kong port. We can arrange for an onboard visit and send the purchased items to the crew.








海員應優先接種疫苗 Seafarers need priority COVID-19 vaccination











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