HKISSC’s “Heartwarming Christmas for Seafarers” Ship Visit Campaign Concluded Successfully
截止12月31日,香港国际海员服务中心组织开展 “溫馨聖誕•暖心海員” 2024圣诞节船员慰問行动圆满结束。此次船员慰问行动于2024年11月21日启动,先后探访了80余艘商船,向1800余名抵港的海员赠送了圣诞礼物与中心的纪念品。
As of 31st December 2024, the “Heartwarming Christmas for Seafarers” ship visit campaign, organized by the Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (HKISSC), has concluded successfully. Since the campaign’s launch on 21st November, the team visited over 80 merchant vessels and distributed Christmas gifts and souvenirs to more than 1,800 seafarers arriving in Hong Kong.
此次慰问行动得到了香港商船高级船员协会(MNOG)与香港航业海员合倂工会(AUS)等两家理事单位的倾力支持,OOCL,SEASPAN, ANGLO-EASTERN, WAN HAI, PIL,MAERSK,TOYOFUJI等航运公司也予以了大力协助,海员宗会的Fr. Valan及香港部分青年海员亦参加了慰问行动。
This heartwarming campaign received full support from two founding members of the HKISSC: the Merchant Navy Officers’ Guild – Hong Kong (MNOG) and the Amalgamated Union of Seafarers, Hong Kong (AUS). Our sincerest gratitude goes to the supporting shipping companies, including OOCL, SEASPAN, ANGLO-EASTERN, WAN HAI, PIL, MAERSK, and TOYOFUJI. Special thanks to Fr. Valan, the Catholic port chaplain for the Apostleship of the Sea, and to the young seafarers from Hong Kong who participated in the ship visits.
The campaign was warmly welcomed by seafarers, who were deeply moved by the humanistic care conveyed by the two seafarers’ unions in Hong Kong and expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the gifts presented by the HKISSC.
The following is a collection of photos of the campaign.
1. 探访慰问OOCL公司6艘船舶上的海员.
The team visited and greeted seafarers on 6 ships of OOCL.
2. 探访慰问SEASPAN公司9艘船舶上的海员.
The team visited and greeted seafarers on 9 ships of SEASPAN.
3. 探访慰问ANGLO-EASTERN公司1艘船舶上的海员.
The team visited and greeted seafarers on a ship of ANGLO-EASTERN.
4. 探访慰问 WAN HAI公司17艘船舶上的海员.
The team visited and greeted seafarers on 17 ships of WAN HAI.
5. 探访慰问PIL公司9艘商船上的海员.
The team visited and greeted seafarers on 9 ships of PIL.
6. 探访慰问MAERSK公司“Georg Maersk”商船上的海员
The team visited and greeted seafarers on MV Georg Maersk of MAERSK.
7. 探访慰问TOYOFUJI 公司5艘运车船上的海员.
The team visited and greeted seafarers on 5 vehicle carriers of TOYOFUJI.
8. 随机探访慰问商船32艘,其中签有FOC集体协议的船舶20艘。
The team randomly visited and greeted seafarers on 32 merchant ships arriving Hong Kong, including 20 ships covered by FOC agreements.
1) Vessels with FoC CBA.
2)Non-FOC CBA Vessels.