ITF 码头工人和海员代表会议定优先项目/ITF dockers’ and seafarers’ unions met to forge priorities

国际运输工人联盟 (ITF) 是一个民主的全球工会联合组织,由150 个国家超过700 个运输工会组成,代表全球超过1800 万名运输工人,ITF在智利圣地亚哥举行码头工人和海员会议。
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), the democratic, global union federation of over 700 transport unions in 150 countries, representing over 18 million transport workers across the globe, held its Dockers’ and Seafarers’ Conferences in Santiago, Chile.

世界上规模最大的海事工人代表会议由12 月4 日至9 日召开,来自70 个国家129 个工会的约300 名代表齐聚一堂,分享业内行动、确立共同议题并商议未来工作的优先事项。
From 4-9 December, the conferences were the world’s largest meeting of maritime workers’ representatives with approximately 300 delegates, from 129 unions in 70 countries coming together to share industrial campaigns, identify common issues, and agree on priorities going forward.

ITF 主席兼ITF 码头工人分部主席Paddy Crumlin 表示:「自1973年皮诺切特政权镇压智利工会的军事政变以来,50年过去,我们很自豪能够在加强全球工会方面发挥的作用,并与我们智利的工会成员并肩作战。」
Paddy Crumlin, ITF President and Chair of the ITF Dockers’ Section said: “Fifty years on from the 1973 military coup which saw the Pinochet regime suppress trade unions in Chile, we are proud to be able to play our part in strengthening trade unions globally and standing with our fellow trade unionists in Chile.”

“Maritime workers have a long tradition of international cooperation and solidarity, that have been the bedrock in our transformative power to shift the balance of power from capital to workers and lead the industrial and political changes that transport workers and our society need. Maritime workers move the world, and this week in Chile we will strengthen our unity and resolve and ensure that our collective voice is heard.”

The conference, hosted in the Chilean capital, came as we looked to our fight for Chilean seafarers’ right to work in their own coastal waters and securing strong cabotage laws that guarantee good jobs and a sustainable national trade.

ITF 海员部门主席David Heindel 表示:「工会将解决影响全球海事工人的关键问题,并讨论和辩论如何应对行业面临的挑战和策略。无论我们是在谈论智利当地海员的工作、争取基本劳工权利,还是应对日益严重的气候危机,我们都知道有组织性的劳工声音是改变世界的关键。」
“Unions will be tackling key issues impacting maritime workers globally and discussing and debating strategies to deal with the challenges facing the industry,” said David Heindel, Chair of the ITF Seafarers’ Section. “Whether we’re talking about local seafarers’ jobs in Chile, fighting for fundamental labour rights or responding to the deepening climate crisis, we know that the voice of organised labour is key to transforming our world.”

随着联合国气候变化大会 (COP28 )在杜拜举行,在圣地牙哥的代表们也讨论气候变迁的重大议题,以及工人如何成为公平过渡的核心。
As COP28 took place in Dubai, delegates in Santiago also addressed the significant issue of climate change, and how workers can be at the centre of the just transition.

ITF 海员、码头工人和公平实践委员会提出应对挑战的关键动议,并为全球海事工人提出议程,包括:
The ITF Seafarers’, Dockers’ and Fair Practices Committee put forward key motions to address challenges and put forward an agenda for maritime workers globally, including:

 保障拉丁美洲海员的工作和在当地海岸航行
Protecting local seafarers’ jobs and cabotage in Latin America
 巴西以及全球海员的公平过渡气候变迁
Just transition for seafarers in Brazil and globally
 保障海事工人的权利免受人工智慧和自动化的影响
Safeguarding maritime workers’ rights against artificial intelligence and automation
 推动全球航运业中 LGBT+ 的平等与包容
Driving LGBT+ equality and inclusion in the maritime industry globally
 加强海员的集体权利,包括实习生、见习生和学徒
Strengthening collective rights for seafarers, including cadets, trainees and apprentices
 保障海员权利和在渡轮上工作的海员条件,并执行 ITF 的雅典政策(Athens Policy)
Protecting seafarers’ rights and conditions for seafarers working on ferries and enforcing ITF’s Athens Policy


ITF 码头工人和海员代表会议定优先项目/ITF dockers’ and seafarers’ unions met to forge priorities