ITF: 2024年是海员遗弃事件历来最严重的一年
2024 worst year on record for seafarer abandonment, says ITF

New data from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) reveals abandonment of seafarers by ship-owners increased by 87% in 2024 from the previous year.

  遗弃海员的情况正严重失控,在2024年,被船东遗弃的海员人数达3,133 名,比2023年的1,676人,上升近两倍。
The abandonment of seafarers is spiralling out of control, increasing nearly two-fold with 3,133 seafarers abandoned by ship-owners in 2024 compared to 1,676 in 2023.
A total 312 vessels were abandoned last year compared to 132 vessels in 2023 – a staggering 136% increase. Twenty-eight ships were also responsible for abandoning multiple crews in the same year, with three vessels reported three times and 25 reported twice.
ITF向国际海事组织(IMO) 提交报告,详细说明遗弃海员事件举报的急剧增加,并强调方便旗制度的失败,正是导致遭侵犯海员权利行为持续、并不受监管的关键。
An ITF report, submitted to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), details the skyrocketing increase in the reported abandonment, and highlights the failure of the Flags of Convenience’ system that is central to ongoing impunity for abuses of seafarers’ rights.
Abandoned seafarers can experience months of unpaid wages, extremely poor on-board conditions, inadequate food and clean drinking water, and long periods of work without proper rest. In some cases, they are left completely stranded for months – even years – on end.
The lack of enforcement and responsiveness from flag and port states, the lack of insurance for vessels, and shipowners refusing to accept that they are mistreating their crew are common factors that contribute to abandonment and complicate the resolution of cases.
协调ITF全球检查员的Steve Trowsdale 直指:「2024 年是有史以来海员遗弃情况最严重的一年。
Steve Trowsdale, ITF Global Inspectorate Coordinator, said: “2024 was the worst year on record for seafarer abandonment.
“90% of global trade takes place through maritime transport and seafarers are the backbone of this industry. It’s an absolute disgrace that unscrupulous ship-owners are abandoning so many crews with impunity by governments and international regulators. This is nothing less than a betrayal of the key workers of global trade.”
  Sanjay*就是其中一名被遗弃的海员。他在船上工作了29 个月,其中有15 个月并没有领到工资。他亲眼目击三批不同的海员上船,但每个船员都没有领到工资就离开了船。
Sanjay* is one of these seafarers. Stranded onboard a tug without pay for 15 of the 29 months he’s been onboard, he’s seen three different crews come and go – each crew has left the vessel unpaid.
“All I’ve had are false promises that I will be paid and allowed to leave,” he said. “I keep working despite everything because I don’t want the crew to suffer, and I am the only engineer onboard. But I’m losing hope as each day passes.”
Sanjay被欠约 4 万美元薪金——作为家庭唯一的收入来源,这笔钱对他来说至关重要。他甚至被迫卖掉传家之宝来维持生计。
Sanjay is owed around $40,000 – money which is vital for his family as the only earning member. He has been forced to sell his family heirlooms to make ends meet back home.
“I haven’t told my family about what’s happened to me, I don’t want them to worry,” he explained.
Sanjay是去年被船东遗弃的899名印度海员之一。他们是滞留海上人数最多的群体,其次是叙利亚人有410名、乌克兰人288 名、菲律宾人273 名和 印尼人192 名。海员遭拖欠的工资总额达2,010万美元,其中ITF迄今已协助追回1,040万美元。
Sanjay is one of the 899 Indian seafarers abandoned by ship-owners last year. They remain the largest cohort of those stranded at sea, followed by 410 Syrians, 288 Ukrainians, 273 Filipinos and 192 Indonesians. A total $20.1 million is owed to seafarers in unpaid wages, of which the ITF has recovered $10.4 million so far.
阿拉伯联合大公国 (UAE) 是遗弃船舶的首选港口国,2024年于该国遗弃的船只数量为42艘(遗弃船只数量第二多的港口国是土耳其,有25艘)。过去五年来,杜拜已成为航运业发展最快的国家之一,凭借较低的税率、生活和住屋成本,对船东、经纪和管理人员、航运银行、航运律师以及货运贸易商都甚具吸引力。
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is the Port State of choice for vessel abandonments, accounting for 42 in 2024 (the second-highest port state for abandonment was Türkiye with 25 vessels). Dubai has become one of the fastest growing hubs for the maritime industry over the last five years. Lower taxes, cost of living and housing are proving attractive to ship owners, brokers and managers, shipping banks, shipping lawyers, and freight traders alike.
Free Trade Zones across the UAE (of which there are 46) are also helping to attract global companies with incentives like tax exemptions and streamlined customs procedures. But the lack of regulation is leaving more and more seafarers stranded, with vessels owned or managed by UAE companies also responsible for the largest proportion of all abandonments.
Flags of Convenience 方便旗
2024年被遗弃的船只中 80% 悬挂方便旗航行。
Eighty percent of abandoned vessels in 2024 sailed under a flag of convenience.
虽然巴拿马仍是弃船事件最多的船旗国(43宗),但其他船旗国的个案也急剧增加。 2024年,帛琉(37宗)、坦尚尼亚(30宗)、科摩罗(29宗)、喀麦隆(20 宗)和巴林(16宗)的发生率均达到两位数。另有20宗个案的船只没有悬挂国旗或悬挂的国旗不能识别。
While Panama remains the flag with the most abandonments (43), there are a number of other flag states with a stark increase in cases. Palau (37), Tanzania (30), Comoros (29), Cameroon (20) and Bahrain (16) all recorded double figures in 2024. Alarmingly, twenty cases were reported on vessels on which there was no flag, or a flag could not be identified, more than doubling the number of cases in this category.
ITF 秘书长Stephen Cotton表示:「海员遗弃案件的惊人增长,暴露航运业内丑陋的真相,业内长期以来一直依赖不受约束的剥削行为,同时缺乏全球监管。但解决方案显而易见:政府提供更好的监管、执法和问责。
Stephen Cotton, ITF’s General Secretary, said: “The scandalous rise in reported cases of seafarer abandonment exposes the ugly truth of an industry which has relied on unchecked exploitative practices and lack of global regulation for far too long. But the solution lies in plain sight: better regulation, enforcement and accountability from governments.
“By reporting so many cases, seafarers are sending a clear message. They’ve had enough of being treated like slaves. The industry must wake up and take robust action. Those responsible must be held to account and punished. Anything less gives a green light to these appalling abuses of fundamental labour and human rights.”

* Sanjay为化名,以保护当时人身份。海员担心发表言论会遭到雇主的报复和列入黑名单。
*Sanjay’s name has been changed to protect his identity. Seafarers fear reprisals and blacklisting by employers for speaking out.

Breakdown of figures详细数字
1. 近年船舶遗弃数字/Abandonment by vessel (year on year)


ITF 2024 年报告于 2025 年 1 月 17 日星期五提交给国际海事组织(IMO)。
The ITF abandonment report 2024 was submitted to the IMO on Friday 17 January 2025.

2. 被遗弃海员人数/Number of seafarers
2024年有 3,133名被遗弃的海员联系 ITF 寻求支援。
3,133 abandoned seafarers contacted the ITF for support in 2024

3. 被遗弃海员的国籍/Nationality of abandoned seafarers


4. 船旗国/Flag state
312艘被遗弃的船舶中有 253 艘悬挂方便旗航行(占 81.09%)
253 of the 312 abandoned vessels are sailing under a flag of convenience (81.09%)

5. 薪金/Wages
$20.1 million is owed to seafarers in unpaid wages (The ITF has recovered $8.9 million so far)
General cargo ships are the most reported abandoned vessel (30% of all vessels – 93)

6. 船只被遗弃的地方/Where ships were abandoned

Middle East: 108 (top country where abandonment happened in region: UAE, 42);

Europe: 74 (top country where abandonment happened in region: Türkiye, 25);

Asia Pacific: 62 (top country where abandonment happened in region: India, 13);

非洲:34 (该地区发生遗弃事件最多的国家:吉布地,9)
Africa: 34 (top country where abandonment happened in region: Djibouti, 9);
Latin America & Caribbean: 19 (top country where abandonment happened in region: Brazil, 5);

北美:8(该地区发生放弃行为最多的国家:美国,6)North America: 8 (top country where abandonment happened in region: USA, 6);

Reported at sea: 7

ITF: 2024年是海员遗弃事件历来最严重的一年 /2024 worst year on record for seafarer abandonment, says ITF